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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Starfleet Academy System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2002-07-27 14:49:30 Views : 20971 Cheat : Cloak and Fire: In a multiplay/create mission game, if you are using a ship with a cloaking device, there is a way to be able to fire while cloaked. Go to yellow alert or condition green while not cloaked. Then quickly cloak and go to red alert by quickly pressing c-a-r, like car. You can now fire while cloaked. The downside is that your weapons only work on manual fire. Activate manual fire by pressing w-1-w-2, "w1w2" to set both weapons from auto fire to manual. To reload photons in mission 7, type ****TIBERIUS after first battle. Then go to within transporter range of the starbase and hit I. To get extra photon power at Omega 12-300,t ype $PUNISH To kill Sherak in smuggler's den, type $-ME! To kill romulan near raven in end game, type MERCURY To go up against the production team, type KNAT ATTACK in the starbase system in Balance of Terror. (be careful- this is REALLY hard- just keep moving & shooting @ 'em.) Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Starfleet Academy cheat codes.
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